Saturday, June 25, 2005

The Project Begins

This is a temporary website for the Project; for reference while the real site is being created.

The Abundant Beauty Project is an effort to recognize that people do not have to be slim, or tall, or have perfect features to be beautiful or make an artistic statement. We are photographers looking to create something unique. Our goals for the project are:
- Explore the art of the ample human form, male and female
- Explore the boundaries of digital photography techniques
- Explore the use of the web for gathering and displaying art
- Explore the concept of collaborative art

We Need Models
Please contact us if you would like to be a subject. Couples are especially encouraged to participate. No experience is required or even preferred. If you've never thought that you could be photographed in an appealing and tasteful manner, please consider this project. We believe there is beauty and art being ignored because of today's unnatural ideal for body types . This is an opportunity to make a statement and to make art.

We Need Art Images or Web Gallery Links
Contact us if you have photographs of your own to display or a website to link. Initially, we will be operating under Creative Commons licensing for our work. However, we respect the ownership of creative content, and will honor your constraints. We encourage any images or links to existing web galleries with the same spirit or intent as the Project. We are not just looking for photographs of people. Sculpture, mixed media, video, poetry, or anything that celebrates or comments on the Abundant Beauty theme.

We Need Funding or Equipment Donations
We are not doing this project to make money, but it would be nice to cover some of the expenses. Expected expenses include domain registration, web-site hosting, studio rental, and equipment. We would certainly welcome any donations of surplus studio equipment. We would also like to be able to compensate models someday.

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